November 3, 2009

Very Scary

Here's Nancy's delightful pumpkin carved and looking very frightening indeed. It's one of our very own rouge vif d'etampes that we grew from seed this year at the Fort.
Hard to believe it started out looking this innocent:

October 19, 2009


Here's some of the harvest from this year. We were so pleased with our results. We did have a few losses... one pumpkin rotted and one got stolen. However, we managed to harvest 1 prizewinner, 2 rouge vif d'etampes, and 2 galeuse d'eysinne. We learned a lot about tomatoes... we didn't give them enough space this year and we didn't trim them back enough so unfortunately we ended up with quite a jungle. Alas... next year we will know better. We got lots of tasty carrots and beets. Favourites were the golden detroit beets and the atomic red carrots. We also had lots of luck with our rhubarb transplanted from my mom's backyard this year. It just kept giving and giving. Oh yes and speaking of which our chard (ruby red) was a winner all summer and fall.

And now... it's time to start delving into the seed catalogues to plan for next year.

July 25, 2009

Square Foot Beginnings

June 4 everything was so small and there was so much room. By July 16 it already looked like this. It's pretty delightful.

March 19, 2009


The beginnings of warmth after the harsh winter have me pining for Algonquin. Ah to see the sunset on Lake Opeongo and hear the loon call. I long to paddle quietly along the shore. To soak in the serenity and peace. To hear the wind rustle through the trees.

March 1, 2009

Haiku by Q

Stein and B. Toklas
baked hash brownies
birds on grass